Transaction fees are deducted from each individual charge. All other fees are invoiced on the 1st and 15 of each month.
To locate these invoices, go to Settings by clicking More from the top menu on your Payments AI dashboard:

Then click Billing from the left side menu:

At the top of the screen, you will see a summary of your account balance, the next charge dates and on the right-hand side, your invoices will be listed. You can click the dollar amount to open and view the invoice details or click the document icon to download the receipt:
**If a payment fails, you will have 14 days to reconcile the payment. You will be notified of any failed payments by email and you will also see a notice in the Notifications located on your dashboard.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Support Team by clicking the support widget in the bottom right corner of this page or email us at [email protected].