To select your tax locations, go to More from the top menu then click Settings drop down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen:

Then click Taxes from the left side menu:

If you have an existing TaxJar account you can grab your API Key from Taxjar and paste it inside the Taxes section under Taxjar integration.
If you do not have a TaxJar account, you can manually add tax locations for additional organization addresses where you may wish to collect taxes and it will automatically set up the taxes the correct way for you. Click the button that says Add First Location:
Then, enter the requested information for that tax location and select Add Location:
When collecting taxes, be sure to report, file, and remit any taxes collected in every location where you are registered in. (Important Note: Only US taxes are supported at this time.)
For any merchants outside the US, be sure to set your products as taxable following the steps in the link below:
IMPORTANT: For taxes to be displayed on your products, you must first set your products as taxable in ClickFunnels 2.0. Here's how: Product Settings: Taxes
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Support Team by clicking the support widget in the bottom right corner of this page or email us at [email protected].